We Failed


Our 8th-10th iterations could jump. The 11st iteration could not. I messed up the tolerance. Now the linear bearing cannot be pressed into the bore. I tried to enlarg the bore manually, but I ended up making the enlarged bore not parallel, thus locking the whole mechanism. I felt terrible. I should not dissemble the 8th-10th iterations. They could not walk on sand, but they at least could jump. I felt very sorry for my teammate.

During the gameday, I am happy to learn that one other team is also challenging the old designs and making a jumping vehicle. We had distinct mechanisms, but we both failed. Anyone following the old designs succeeded.


Thank you Prof. Ju for encouraging me.

Thank you Shuangxuan Ran for doing electronics for me.

Thank you Teaching Assistance Jiadi Zhang for finding me a bed in the Institute.


Float on the Sand


Early Attempts